How To Approach A 10 If You Are A 6 or a 7...

I was chatting with my close friend, Mark today. Of course, the topic of women came up. What's new, right? hehehe The topic? What is different about the approach of a 10 versus a regular 6, 7 or 8? The answer? Quite a lot and 90% of guys have no clue....really, they don' I am going to address the guys only on this one.

Just imagine being a drop-dead gorgeous woman for a moment - Constantly being approached with " Hi, what is your name, my name is Mike." or "Hey, you are really pretty.....blah, blah, blah." If you are a bombshell, then it gets pretty damn old - day in and day out. Kinda like being a celebrity I suppose, with a constant bombardment of dumb, mundane questions and tons of flashing light bulbs from fever-frenzied paparrazzi. Don't be dumb - be different.

Simple mistake remedy #1: Being a NON-threat is a big key. Showing NO interest is another big key. Displaying your important value is critical.

How would you approach a guy? What would you say? How would you approach an ugly girl? My guess is that in both situations, you would present NO threat and NO interest - just casual, interesting and enticing conversation preceded by a starter an informercial - "Did you see that group of guys running down the street naked just now?"

Simple mistake remedy #2: When approaching at 10, you always approach her sidekick(s) first (they are almost always hanging out in groups) and continue on with your story or topic. You see, the sidekick is (most likely) her more unattractive friend or the mother hen of the group. Befriend the mother hen and everyone else in the group first, then the pursuit of your target will become much easier. Focus 95% of your conversation, your eye contact and your storyline, your charm and your ideas with those in the group that you are NOT interested in and chat it up with great stories for a good, solid 5-8 minutes before you move to your target.

Simple mistake remedy #3: Have multiple topics, ideas or conversation pieces lined up to keep the conversation going with the mother hen and the clan to keep yourself interesting and to eliminate any "lulls" in the exchange of words. As a man, your goal is to lead and lead 75% the conversation, so make sure you have several story pieces lined up to jump into that will entice your listeners. Tip: the best topics are things like vacations, mysticism, ESP, desserts, comedy and psychology.

I can probably come up with at least another 15 points to consider in any social dynamic, but you'll have to stay tuned.

Best of luck as always!


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"I chose to work with Mark in a LIVE setting. He is not only inspiring, but he has led me to a regular and normal dating life. Mark taught me a lot about facing fears and strengthening my inner self." PJ Marcel, Alhambra, CA

"If you REALLY are serious about changing your social life and building your inner game, then call Mark. He is really caring, helpful and professional and he has turned me into a social butterfly!" Koji Takahawa, RPV, CA.

"I needed this so bad. Mark is the perfect coach. He listens, he pays close attention to my needs and he has helped me tremendously with my self confidence...this stuff is scary but so rewarding." Kelly Michakovic, Glendale, CA

"I was so scared to approach ANY human being, let alone, talk to them lol, ...I must say that I waited too long to finally spend my money on educating myself on what really matters. Mark has changed my whole outlook on dating and my life... and all the fears that we shouldn't be fearing to begin with. I now feel totally empowered..." Mike Gutierrez, Santa Monica, CA

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