If You really want to understand HER, Then read this...


If you've ever seen a girl on the 
street, at a restaurant or at work and you've thought, "Man I'd really like to talk to her," - but you didn't follow through, you didn't 
go up and ask her out and you 
didn't go up and get a phone 

Instead, you just got upset with yourself for doing nothing. 

Or, if you've ever had the courage 
to go up and ask out an attractive 
woman and it just didn't work 
out, I'd like to help you out. 

You see, when it comes to 
dating quality women, there is a right 
way and a wrong way to go about 
having the kind of success that 
you're looking for. 

I'd like to help you become the 
kind of man that can naturally 
and easily approach attractive women, carry on fun 
conversations, easily 
get their phone numbers, feel 
very comfortable asking them 
out on dates and ultimately 
have the kind of relationship 
that you really want. 

In order to help you, I've 
decided to offer a personal 
one-on-one session with as 
many individuals that I can over the 
next 10 days. 

This complimentary coaching session is called 
"How To Gain Amazing Confidence with Women" 
coaching session. 

During your "How To Gain Amazing Confidence with 
Women" coaching session we 
will work together to… 

=> Create a crystal clear vision 
for the kind of woman that you'd 
like to have in your life and the 
kind of relationship you'd like 
to have with her. 

=> We'll uncover hidden 
challenges that may be sabotaging 
your success with women 
and dating. 

=> You'll leave the session 
renewed, re-energized and 
inspired to take consistent 
action in your dating and love 
life so that you can finally have 
the success with women that 
you've always wanted. 

To get your "How To Gain Amazing Confidence with 
Women" coaching session today, 
simply reply to this email 
and answer the following questions: 

1. How long have you been single? 
2. On a scale of 1 to10, how 
important is it for you to get this 
area of your life handled once and for all? 
3. What do you see as your 
biggest challenges with women 
and dating? 

Reply directly to Mark at mark@killerconfidence.com and be sure to include your name, phone number and the 
best time to call you within the next 48 hours. 

BONUS: If you reply before February 12th, recieve a complimentary special report: "7 Secrets to Amazing Social Confidence" along with your complimentary 30 minute confidence consultation.

Until next time... 

Mark Aguirre 
Killer Confidence 
Confidence Coach - a communications expert specializing in the 6 month transformation of professional, motivated individuals into confident conversationalists while unveiling their powerful social dynamic skills, leadership and personal marketing abilities for the sole purpose of generating healthy and romantic relationships. 


What are Mark's clients saying?

"I chose to work with Mark in a LIVE setting. He is not only inspiring, but he has led me to a regular and normal dating life. Mark taught me a lot about facing fears and strengthening my inner self." PJ Marcel, Alhambra, CA

"If you REALLY are serious about changing your social life and building your inner game, then call Mark. He is really caring, helpful and professional and he has turned me into a social butterfly!" Koji Takahawa, RPV, CA.

"I needed this so bad. Mark is the perfect coach. He listens, he pays close attention to my needs and he has helped me tremendously with my self confidence...this stuff is scary but so rewarding." Kelly Michakovic, Glendale, CA

"I was so scared to approach ANY human being, let alone, talk to them lol, ...I must say that I waited too long to finally spend my money on educating myself on what really matters. Mark has changed my whole outlook on dating and my life... and all the fears that we shouldn't be fearing to begin with. I now feel totally empowered..." Mike Gutierrez, Santa Monica, CA

About Your Personal Confidence Specialist

To learn more about how to eliminate your social fears, overcome self sabotage and receive a complimentary confidence coaching session, visit the HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT website.
