10 reasons why you're single, lonely and constantly complaining about your love life.

  1. You haven't joined a yoga class yet because you thinks it's gay. OBVIOUS HINT #1: 90% of attendees are HOT women. 90% are skinny and sexy. 90% are laid back and very cool. BUT...you obviously know better.

  2. You haven't signed up for a cooking class yet. OBVIOUS HINT #2: 80% of students are women and statistics have consistently proven that women think that a man in a kitchen is sexy as hell.

  3. You haven't attended a wine or fine food event. OBVIOUS HINT #3: Your eyes are obviously glazed over from the unused and now-melting brain cells in your thick skull and you are completely clueless that women absolutely LOVE fine dining and wine.

  4. You haven't joined a salsa dance class or ballroom dance class even though the most popular show on TV is Dancing With The Stars. OBVIOUS HINT #4: Ever wondered who the viewing audience demographic is for this show? Do you think they're marketing to 50 year old Schlitz – drinking Lumberjacks? You DO realize that your dance partner will not be the same sex as you, right?

  5. You consistently frequent the same places like Fat Burger and bitch about the fact that you're chunky AND that there are never any hot looking men or women there. (no explanation needed...right?)

  6. You are a woman who signed up for Match.com with the hopes of luring that elusive, sex god who speaks with an accent, sports six pack abs, is gainfully employed and kisses like a soap star. With that dream in your head, you proudly display either ONE (1) entire picture of yourself on your profile OR you decided to go the extra mile to indulge him and proudly display pictures galore ..including:

    - the blurry one of you and your drunk girlfriend ….in Halloween costumes

    - the close up shot of your 3 cats

    - your stuffed animal collection

    - the one of you sitting depressed- looking in a room ...alone (might as well have a noose around your neck)

    - the one of you on a ski trip dressed like a freakin' Eskimo

    - the one of you posing in the dark ….with a drink in your hand and your left eye half shut.

    - the one that you took 9 years ago at Glamour Shots after a full-cake make up job, touch-ups and with 20

less pounds wrapped around your midsection.

- the 6 pictures that you took yourself (arm extended with your cell phone) of everything EXCEPT 90% of your body ( the section that lies BELOW your head and neckline.)

  1. You're the guy looking for marriage. You also posted a profile on Match.com and you made damn sure to include a whopping 3 sentence summary about yourself too! Good Boy! Plus, you graciously included photos that would make any woman's knees buckle.... including:

    - your Camaro

    - your Suzuki CZRQB TR 4000m turbo street bike

    - your Camaro (from a different angle)

    - your camping trip with your prison friends

    - your new paintball gun

    - the picture of you on your cell phone trying to look important (standing outside your probation officer's office)

    - that photo of you looking pissed at the world with a smug that couldn't get you laid in a whorehouse with a fist- full of 50's.

  2. You like pain and so, therefore, you continue on the same old path leading you to the same old results. Please don't say that you are turning into your parents now....PLEASE!

    9.  You've already started saying bizarre things to yourself like: "I like being single" or "What do I need a man for, anyways?" or "Screw it....I am turning gay tomorrow!" You simply refuse to step up, stop whining and get a life by working with a professional who can help you get what you want ...all with a 100% "happy camper" guarantee! CLICK HERE to request a free phone session.

  10.   You actually believe that God is purposely doing to this to you. Listen pal, instead of blaming everyone else, see how a change in your thinking can get you out of your slump! What do you have to lose?

Bottom line: If you don't do something different, then you will never grow or move forward with your love life. If you don't go on any dates, you will have no chance of falling in love and you will have no choice but to go blind.......alone.

Until next time

Mark Aguirre

Confidence Coach Extraordinaire

Killer Confidence Coaching

Ask a question anytime...mark@killerconfidence.com



What are Mark's clients saying?

"I chose to work with Mark in a LIVE setting. He is not only inspiring, but he has led me to a regular and normal dating life. Mark taught me a lot about facing fears and strengthening my inner self." PJ Marcel, Alhambra, CA

"If you REALLY are serious about changing your social life and building your inner game, then call Mark. He is really caring, helpful and professional and he has turned me into a social butterfly!" Koji Takahawa, RPV, CA.

"I needed this so bad. Mark is the perfect coach. He listens, he pays close attention to my needs and he has helped me tremendously with my self confidence...this stuff is scary but so rewarding." Kelly Michakovic, Glendale, CA

"I was so scared to approach ANY human being, let alone, talk to them lol, ...I must say that I waited too long to finally spend my money on educating myself on what really matters. Mark has changed my whole outlook on dating and my life... and all the fears that we shouldn't be fearing to begin with. I now feel totally empowered..." Mike Gutierrez, Santa Monica, CA

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