The Science Behind Romance and

Seduction is absolutely a learned science. Seduction methodology can be classified into 2 categories: "outer game" and "inner game." Outer game is the pick-up artist's techniques...all of which are rooted in social psychology. Techniques include the correct use and implementation of language and effective conversation pieces, proper intros, specific pick up lines, understanding body language and much more. Each can be learned and mastered by anyone...and quite frankly, it is fascinating and extremely fun.

Outer game informs all of the abilities of the player, but inner game allows admission into the game itself.

"Inner game" is the other half of seduction....and a bit harder to master. It is the genuine, intransigent belief that you are "the shit." That you are the grand prize to be won....that you are an intrinsically attractive, super valuable human being. Inner game is the power that helps you an allows you to take the woman you are pursuing.....OFF her pedestal. This super confidence is the crux of seduction. Memorizing lines (outer game) is useless if the words you use don't echo the blunt swagger in your motion .

Inner game's goal is to get you to truly and wholeheartedly believe that seduction is nothing more than a social game where you, the player, have been granted infinite lives and that any challenge, however difficult, can be met. Think of it as a video game with different strategy levels to which you aspire to conquer.

The roots of seductive romance come not from objectifying women. Seduction stems from the vision to equalize male sexual opportunity. There are men born without the "pretty" gene. There are plenty of men without a clue about female psychology. There are men too scared to stick a foot into the courtship dance. All of these men can, in fact, engage in a self actualization and view the rules of the game through different eyes. Seduction provides the hope that the woman that you think now is "out of your league" is, in fact, very possible to attract once you learn the rules and facets of the inner game.


**** For your complimentary confidence questionnaire, your 30 minute confidence coaching session and a copy of Mark's special report: " 7 Secrets To Amazing Social Confidence", please send your request to before February 20.



1) What is the difference between pursuing a college degree to build your financial future AND pursuing your inner/outer game education to satisfy your love and romance aspirations for an amazing social life?

2) As a man, which (be completely honest) is a FAR more important skill to have as you move along through your single life?

The only difference is that we simply allow fear to stop us from committing ourselves to learning something new. Essentially, we want a guarantee that it will work first. THIS is why we fail and have continued to fail. We over analyze. We over think. The money is there. The time is there too....but the "over analysis" causes major paralysis. Instead, we take the familiar route and continue to spend our money on those things that are easy to attain AND that only bring us PERCIEVED happiness. And so the cycle continues....

Remember this: University studies show that infants smile or laugh 300 times per day. The average adult over 60 averages 2.4.

How far are you down this scale currently? When are you going to change it before you reach 2.4?


Mark Aguirre

Confidence Coach - "a communications and body language expert specializing in the 6 month transformation of professional, motivated individuals into confident conversationalists while unveiling their powerful social dynamic skills, leadership and personal marketing abilities for the sole purpose of generating healthy and romantic relationships. "

**** For your complimentary confidence questionnaire, your 30 minute confidence coaching session and a copy of Mark's special report: " 7 Secrets To Amazing Social Confidence", please send your request to before February 20th, 2011.


What are Mark's clients saying?

"I chose to work with Mark in a LIVE setting. He is not only inspiring, but he has led me to a regular and normal dating life. Mark taught me a lot about facing fears and strengthening my inner self." PJ Marcel, Alhambra, CA

"If you REALLY are serious about changing your social life and building your inner game, then call Mark. He is really caring, helpful and professional and he has turned me into a social butterfly!" Koji Takahawa, RPV, CA.

"I needed this so bad. Mark is the perfect coach. He listens, he pays close attention to my needs and he has helped me tremendously with my self confidence...this stuff is scary but so rewarding." Kelly Michakovic, Glendale, CA

"I was so scared to approach ANY human being, let alone, talk to them lol, ...I must say that I waited too long to finally spend my money on educating myself on what really matters. Mark has changed my whole outlook on dating and my life... and all the fears that we shouldn't be fearing to begin with. I now feel totally empowered..." Mike Gutierrez, Santa Monica, CA

About Your Personal Confidence Specialist

To learn more about how to eliminate your social fears, overcome self sabotage and receive a complimentary confidence coaching session, visit the HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT website.
