If you had a big thorn in your butt, would you leave it there?

It's so true.


We are always trying to figure out ways to master the art of conversation, the way to attract the guy or how to get a girlfriend, right?


Watch this week's video. Then try something completely different.


If afterwards you ask: "HOW do I do this?"


...then get a partner or an expert as your teacher. You didn't question this in college, don't question it now.


Don't think like you've always thought. It obviously hasn't worked.


Now... watch the video


Until next time,



Mark Aguirre

Confidence Specialist

Killer Confidence Coaching




What are Mark's clients saying?

"I chose to work with Mark in a LIVE setting. He is not only inspiring, but he has led me to a regular and normal dating life. Mark taught me a lot about facing fears and strengthening my inner self." PJ Marcel, Alhambra, CA

"If you REALLY are serious about changing your social life and building your inner game, then call Mark. He is really caring, helpful and professional and he has turned me into a social butterfly!" Koji Takahawa, RPV, CA.

"I needed this so bad. Mark is the perfect coach. He listens, he pays close attention to my needs and he has helped me tremendously with my self confidence...this stuff is scary but so rewarding." Kelly Michakovic, Glendale, CA

"I was so scared to approach ANY human being, let alone, talk to them lol, ...I must say that I waited too long to finally spend my money on educating myself on what really matters. Mark has changed my whole outlook on dating and my life... and all the fears that we shouldn't be fearing to begin with. I now feel totally empowered..." Mike Gutierrez, Santa Monica, CA

About Your Personal Confidence Specialist

To learn more about how to eliminate your social fears, overcome self sabotage and receive a complimentary confidence coaching session, visit the HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT website.
